Do the F*cking Work: Lowbrow Advice for High-Level Creativity. Signed.
A source of inspiration for anyone who needs a gentle kick in the ass to start the journey or finish the job, while celebrating the process of trying, learning, and failing.
Signed. Published by HarperCollins. Limited quantities available.
Coated Paper
3-Color, PMS 032, 877, Black
GFDA is the bearer of messages from your own heart. What we say is nothing new, we simply put things in a way that you can’t ignore.
From truth, purpose; from purpose, fulfillment. The truth is that this life is a struggle, it’s a contest. Your purpose is to use up every bit of your potential participating in life. You are called to face a challenge. Accept it with dignity. From contending—perhaps to be injured, certain to be hurt—you will find a respect for yourself that can be attained nowhere else. From enduring the struggle, you will learn the true value of compassion and a proper use of your power.
These things cannot be given, they must be earned. We offer you this, and nothing more: the light of old wisdom to guide your steps, and the fruits of our experience to nourish you on your journey.
Happiness isn’t a reward. Strength isn’t gained without effort. Love isn’t something you get from someone else. Life is made bearable in the bearing of it. The meaning of life reveals itself when you stop looking for it and start living with sincerity. Fulfillment will come at last when you have given all that you have.
We want that for you.